As they say, a Sunday well spent brings a week of content, but really, any day should be well spent! You can’t pour from an empty cup. I can’t say it enough! In order to best serve yourself and others around you, you have to invest back into Y-O-U. I know I can get that same peaceful-Sunday feel anytime I want by following some of my favorite self-care go-to’s.

Image from Pinterest
Move Yo’ Body!
We all know that exercise is scientifically proven to improve your mood. Thank you, trusty endorphins! There’s nothing better for me than getting on my mat. Even if I’m only on there for a couple minutes, I get a wave of joy rolling through me. Yoga works for me, as does a nice walk, run, aerobics class, or dancing around with Layla 🙂 Find what you love and get your booty movin’!
Be Here Now
Quiet time is oh-so-good for your soul. For my momma friends, this might be more challenging, but try carving out a little time for just you. Maybe it’s before anyone else in the house wakes up or after they go to sleep. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, really focusing on your inhales and exhales. Sit with a cup of tea or coffee, watch the steam roll out, and feel the warm mug in your hands. Whatever gets you out of your head and into the present moment.
Or Don’t Be
Just as good as enjoying the present moment is escaping it for a little bit. By that, I mean through a good book! Maybe you like fantasy or romance or perhaps history. Whatever gets you excited to curl up under a blanket and flip through some pages. In small doses, you could also throw on your favorite show. My all time favorites are Friends & Seinfeld. I’ve seen every episode more times than I can count, but they still get a laugh out of me every time.
The Great Outdoors
Get outside and take a deep breath of fresh air and try to tell me you don’t feel good! Well, okay.. If you’re in Ohio like me, it’s pretty cold right now, and you can’t be out for too long. BUT I still try to enjoy being outside because I cannot stay cooped up for all the winter months! If that’s not your thing, let’s come back to this in the spring once you thaw out 🙂

Suited up with two pairs of pants, a puffy vest and big scarf under my coat w/cap and gloves! Cold, schmold 😉
Spend some time at the spa or if you’re like me, bring the spa to you. Get yourself some face masks and a good bath bomb (LOVE the ones from LUSH) and spend some time in the tub. Or treat yourself to a mani-pedi with my favorite cruelty-free nail products: polish and remover. These are classic self-care tips for good reason – they work wonders!

Lush bath bomb plus Harry Potter – ahhh 🙂
Get Creative
I love writing, whether it’s in my journal, on insta, or a blog post. I love getting words out of my head on onto paper or screen. Working on my Bullet Journal is another fun way for me to get creative. Armed with my markers, washi tape, lettering & doodling books, I could get lost for hours in it!
Say No
As much as we’d like to, we can’t say yes to every commitment. My calendar used to fill up like crazy because I couldn’t say no. It took me a while to learn that it’s okay and necessary to say no. We sometimes have to say no to others in order to say yes to ourselves; otherwise, you’ll get spread way too thin. You need to have time for yourself and can’t do so if you are overextended. Sometimes you’re not answering to another person – next time Netflix asks you if you’re still watching, maybe take that opportunity to say no! 😉
The crème de la crème!
My favorite self-care routines are when I can combine several of the above. Hiking with the dogs on a crisp fall morning? Check! Rolling out my mat in the grass on a sunny day? Double check! What I have in my self-care arsenal might look totally different than what works for you. Think about what activities bring you the most peace that don’t involve many, if any, other people. Find little acts that you can do each day. Maybe today it’s going for a jog. Tomorrow, it could be saying no to an invitation during an already busy week. You deserve to make yourself a priority and give yourself the best care.
Leave a comment below with your favorite self-care rituals!