There are few things that really pump me up or turn my mood around more than dancing around to my favorite tunes. And while that unfortunately can really wear me out, I can still belt out a song like nobody’s business! Whether I’m in key or not is a different story.. let’s just say I’m not trying out for America’s Got Talent anytime soon 😉
Whether you’re toe tapping or doing a full routine, humming or performing on stage (real or imaginary 😄), you want some jams on your playlist to celebrate your self love and empower you like the fierce woman you are! So grab your mics (*cough* hairbrushes), ladies – these are the songs you’ll want to play on repeat.

Soulmate – Lizzo
Because we don’t need crowns to be queens. Walk to your closest mirror and sing this one to yourself. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face and pump up your self love game!
This is Me – The Greatest Showman
Send a flood to drown out those haters, hunny – ’cause you are freakin’ glorious. I cannot tell you how many times I have cried to this song, in the best way. It fills my heart right up – making me feel brave, seen, and who I’m meant to be.
Run the World – Beyoncé
Now more than ever do us ladies need to stick together. And Bey reppin’ for the girls takin’ over the world, she reminds us we run this motha.
Brave – Sara Bareilles
Sometimes the shadow wins – but what if you spoke up? This jam gives courage for you to be brave, to be true to yourself and not let anyone walk over you!
Girl on Fire – Alisha Keys
You are fire, girl! A flame so bright, on top of the world. Let it burn, babe!
Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen
Don’t let anyone stop you from doin’ you! The only non-female artist on this list can be reserved for none other than Freddie himself. This Queen song is my JAM. It’ll make you feel alive – there is nothing that can stop you!
Juice – Lizzo
Ya ya eeee – I couldn’t resist putting this girl on here twice. If you’re shining, everyone else will too. So keep shining, girlfriend!
Check out seven of my favorite self-care rituals!

Share your favorite songs to groove to below and pin for later!

Ashley Rawlings
June 6, 2019 at 3:16 pmHaha Doug. OMG that’s hilarious. I love your dogs!
June 8, 2019 at 12:17 amHaha thanks – he’s a riot!!